Rituals for Living Dream book
Peter Borten and Briana Borten
Rituals For Living Dream book is not merely a daily planner, or even a
calendar. It is GPS for the soul. Through the use of ritual and dreams, w
e are able to put our lives into perspective, and accomplish goals that we
once thought were impossible. Authors Peter and Briana Borton guide us
on an exploration of our personal journeys, through ritual, dreams, health,
well being and connection with family, friends and the world as a whole.
And by doing so, we can lead richer, more fulfilling lives.
The book begins with a series of interesting, thought provoking questions,
and through these questions we are able plan out the details of our lives;
some of these details we many not even be aware of. As the reader works
through the series of questions, we find that the dreams we once thought
were unattainable, are doable, providing we use proper planning.
Once we complete the journal questions, and contemplate them, we move
on to creating mind maps. These mind maps provide us with a way to take
our thoughts and ideas and put them into a visual context. This creates big
picture plans that we can break down and utilize without becoming
overwhelmed and quitting even before the planning stage is completed.
As we travel deeper into the book, we see how these big picture plans are
broken down into annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans which neatly
manages projects without the reader becoming overwhelmed. There is even
a section for lifetime plans, and smaller places on the pages for daily and
weekly tasks, as well as a fun checklist that we can use to make sure we get
enough play time in. At the end of the week are summary pages where the
reader can log items of interest, such as the completion of a task ahead of
time, or aha! Moments, dreams or anything that comes to mind..
The hard cover version for Rituals of Living Dreambook and Planner is
$45.00. Rituals for Living and Dreambook without Planner is $40.00 It's a
bit pricey for most people, but worth every penny. However, if money is
tight, there is a PDF version the reader can get for $15.00. The PDF can be
easily printed off and placed in a 3 holed binder. It also makes it easier to
print off and use new sheets as the need warrants it. Or the reader could a
lso get a bound blank ruled journal and simply hand write everything out.
I do that myself and found it to be a very organic and enjoyable experience
, with plenty of inspirational and aha! moments.
My copy of Rituals for Living is now a constant companion. I use it every
single day, and it never leaves my side. I absolutely love this book and I
think you'll love it too. Rituals for Living Dream Book is available at
Dragontree Apothecary as well as Amazon.com It is a hot item and sells ou
t quickly, but Dragontree Apothecary tells me that Amazon has a new order
in, so go get it now while it is still in stock.
The Dragontree Publishing
ISBN# 978-0-997278-3-9
© 2015 by Peter and Briana Borten
Price: $.40.00 Hardbound, $15.00 Paperback
Reviewed by Patricia Snodgrass